Elderly and disabled people no longer eligible for PG&E’s portable battery program on power outage-prone Mendocino Coast


5 thoughts on “Elderly and disabled people no longer eligible for PG&E’s portable battery program on power outage-prone Mendocino Coast

  1. This come on the heels of a report of another year of record profits at PG&E. Public utilities should be publicly owned, period. The State of California is the 5th largest economy in the world. I think we can handle our own power generation.

  2. See Boonville 3.0 earthquake.
    If you dare to be awakened!
    The Great San Francisco Bay earthquakes are upon us.
    TransAmerica buildings are the financial targets.
    3:33 minutes +-
    Target time-3:06am to 6:36
    Water will rise.

  3. The inhumane treatment for the elderly is just sad. Those elders that are the creators or the next generation that have treated their elders with no respect or digitny. The greatorsrs that are the generation that have created the very next next generation that are throwing them it to the quicksand of no eternity to not have to bother wuth them at all. To not respect their own creator and give them the much needed care. To show there children that will put them over the edge of cruelty in the human man and their own mankind creator of life. It’s all wrong. What happened to respect your elders they wouldn’t exsit if we did what their do to us know. Just through the baby away that is born so they don’t have to suffer when they get old. Throw them all away and then in the long run they won’t have to deal with them later. Someone needs to step up to the plate because some day they will b old to we can’t fight it and just through away into that pile be😭 with the unforgotten too.therfore not have to face the real issue here. Cause no one really cares.

  4. Tis will probably thrown away to a long with the burning pile of flesh of our once beloved and
    Mixsed in what the soil of garbage and rotten stench of the rest of the evil in man. Only to be given to loved ones that think ist the ashes on their loved ones.had godbless the pure and innocence ones.

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