Geiger’s downhill slump mystifies and dismays Laytonville residents and employees


10 thoughts on “Geiger’s downhill slump mystifies and dismays Laytonville residents and employees

  1. Didn’t they announce months ago that the new owners of the building were ending their lease because they have different plans for the space?
    Everyone knows that.

  2. Bravo to Daryl… he is / was a superb counterman and a valuable asset when the meat dept was the only reason to go to Geigers Laytonville.

    Bravo to Tami… she is a stellar person who is quite competent… she worked hard to give customers the best experience.

    Calling us a “poverty town” is disingenuous at best… we are ALL friends, family, and neighbors. The impacts of Geigers are felt widely & deeply.

    The new managers used an age old corporate tactic of laying off / firing older employees who represented higher wage overhead, replaced by lower wage workers. And some of the new workers have zero customer skills… won’t even acknowledge your presence when walking past & won’t make eye contact… just the opposite of what we used to experience there.

    Yes, the local pot economy tanked but I think the cascade of events started when the Braughts decided to sell their place & move to Idaho.

    How can you stiff your produce suppliers payments due ?

    Is the building itself still for sale ??? The local community no longer has FAITH in Geigers because it was stated that “only the building is for sale, the store will continue with current {mis} management”… why would we have faith in ‘managers’ who ran the business into the ground ???

    Take the Geigers name off the building & call it Gouger’s with a motto of “we don’t have it because this is a poverty town, all you people suck because you’re not tourists”

    We’re ready for a change… there is already a MAJOR shift in people where are purchasing what they need…

    Bah, humbug…

  3. Bravo to Daryl… he is / was a superb counterman and a valuable asset when the meat dept was the only reason to go to Geigers Laytonville.

    Bravo to Tami… she is a stellar person who is quite competent… she worked hard to give customers the best experience.

    Calling us a “poverty town” is disingenuous at best… we are ALL friends, family, and neighbors. The impacts of Geigers are felt widely & deeply.

    The new managers used an age old corporate tactic of laying off / firing older employees who represented higher wage overhead, replaced by lower wage workers. And some of the new workers have zero customer skills… won’t even acknowledge your presences when walking past & won’t make eye contact… just the opposite of what we used to experience there.

    Yes, the local pot economy tanked but I think the cascade of events started when the Braughts decided to sell their place & move to Idaho.

    How can you stiff your produce suppliers payments due ?

    Is the building itself still for sale ??? The local community no longer has FAITH in Geigers because it was stated that “only the building is for sale, the store will continue with current {mis} management”… why would we have faith in ‘managers’ who ran the business into the ground ???

    Take the Geigers name off the building & call it Gouger’s with a motto of “we don’t have it because this is a poverty town, all you people suck because you’re not tourists”

    We’re ready for a change… there is already a MAJOR shift in people where are purchasing what they need…

    Bah, humbug…

  4. They have the ability to make money just because they were the only horse in the race as far as grocery stores in laytonville. They burnt their suppliers n now are trying to sell of stock, in my opinion. They dont seem to have intrest in the dtore anymore. I think if the financial debt was figured out with vendors n if they are no longer interested in serving laytonville n willing to step away from the site ….. laytonville may have a good chance to reach out to other grocery chain(or private) stores with an invitation to open there. There is always money to be made on a smaller community who are willing to pay A LITTLE extra to have a local grocery but there is only hope of that if the current people n their reputation with vendors n employees that have been ripped off or disrespected are totally out off it n gone….. Just a thought…

    • Jayma Shields Spence, Exceutive Director of Healthy Start is the food bank person for up to date and accurate information.

  5. It’s not a ghost town, there are hundreds if not thousands of cars driving right by your store every day.
    The problem is we don’t stop at your store anymore because you don’t have any food.
    You have a ghost store with no milk or bread.

  6. I just moved to this poverty town. I can’t believe that the owners of that store would disrespect the community and it’s inhabitants so blatantly. Wow. Who would want to shop there when the owners don’t care about it’s people and blatantly call them basically poor folk? Unreal. Here’s an idea.. start a public produce stand in the parking lot with it without the permission of the owners.. lets get a co op store running. Let all the poor folk run their own grocery. Protest the management of that store. They suck. Put the poor little town of laytonville on the world map.. then you will have the locals and the tourists without the exhuberant pricing.. I can see it now.. high rises going up. The local marijuana trade starts again.. local small business flourishing.. omg.. stop 🛑 lights through the middle of town. The big old rooster on the edge of town wearing a tie dye with a Doobie in his beak.. welcome to the non judgemental town of laytonville. Bring us your poor.. your weary… You get the picture.. down with the naysayers..

  7. Maciel is a liar…straight up! There is only ONE employee in the store that’s been there any length of time. The “management” got rid of Gayla, Kenny, Gary B., June Pinches Sizemore, and now Daryl! How rude and disrespectful can anyone be? I can tell you that Bernie Geiger would be rolling over in his new home. No one would ever be treated so poorly…whether you were an employee or a customer-never ever, ever for any reason.
    This store did quite well before pot. Many people counted on this store for good food and social interaction. Our town doesn’t live or die because of pot. We saw the economy change when the logging industry and the Branscomb mill shut down; people still eat and drink…through all ups and downs!
    How dare you, Mr. Maciel, call our town a “poverty town?” We are more than a wide spot in the road. We are a community of diverse people that love our town, and we are proud of it! We do not need a stranger to come into our lives and our store to destroy it. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to see that profits and resources have been diverted from our store to Hopland. Hopland is 15 miles from many stores in Ukiah. But we are nearly 25 miles from any other stores!
    You can’t buy anything from our store because the shelves are totally closed off, understaffed or just plain EMPTY!!! A person can’t buy a beer or a Coke because there aren’t any because the store owes money; Chevron ended up taking the last beer order because they pay their bills. What an absolute shame and disgrace. And that is not only due to a lack of products, but how many people have lost jobs that they loved? Oh, and by the way, I hear that they are getting ready to sell the forklift…which means that they have no intention of receiving pallets of food!
    Signed by a former employee of Geiger’s when it had class!!!

  8. This piece contains misleading / inaccurate info about the Laytonville Food Bank and related stats. While Mr. Harris’s intentions are good, he is somewhat ill-informed and certainly not in a position to provide such info, as he is a sometime volunteer with a limited scope. Jayma Shields Spence, Executive Director of Laytonville Healthy Start, is the person for up-to-date and accurate information about the Laytonville Food Bank. Laytonville Healthy Start / Food Bank phone: 707-984-8089

  9. Wow… Who to think that Giegers would go down like this. All that work to make a state of the art grocery store and now not a care in the world to keep it going. Just weird this is happening. When living out in Laytonville for the 15 years I lived there I got to knowing all the people working in that store that most were friendly and helpful, making it a great place to shop. I know all those that worked there from day one are heart broken and some maybe pissed off because it just don’t make no sense. Wish you all the best.

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