4 thoughts on “Matt Kendall wants to pay ‘old friend’ $50k to stop ‘takeover of the sheriff’s IT department’

  1. Why does the Sheriff’s Department need its own IT for confidentiality? Currently IT oversees the confidentiality of patient records of Public Health and Behavioral Health, held to extremely strict federal and state laws. They also hold confidential other records such as the DA and Department of Social Services. These are all no less confidential than the Sheriff’s. IT is trained in confidentiality and sign oaths of confidentiality.

  2. The idea of health and law enforcement records being thrown together in the county’s IT system gives me a migraine. We only have to read recent news to see how often mistakes happen and human errors are exposed. Using a well known and established lawyer seems to be the most efficient and effective decision. Why is the county is pressing for a less effective choice.

  3. Matthew Kendall framed Michael Marlin for murder. FBI please investigate Coroner Case coro 7 – 390

    also related to the Marlin case kendle covered up the assaults on a people including two pregnant women.

    In the Marlin case officers falsified a bunch of reports tampered with an audio recording and then Kendall went into the evidence room two days after the shooting and tampered with a bloody black T-shirt, camouflage pants so that Marlin could not prove his innocence.

    This needs to be investigated!

    FBI? Attorney General?

  4. And now that the County Counsel’s office is over-budget, what measures are the Board of Stupes taking to collect the overage? Wasn’t it County Counsel that dug up that obscure law stating that heads of agencies are responsible for repaying such overages?

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