Great Redwood Trail Agency files for adverse abandonment of Mendocino Railway line


2 thoughts on “Great Redwood Trail Agency files for adverse abandonment of Mendocino Railway line

  1. It is absolutely ridiculous that the Great Redwood Trail Agency is being so short sighted and unfair in this matter. Why can’t the trail and railroad right of way can’t both be accommodated by having the rail next to the rail like like other similar trails (like in Sacramento and what they are building in Niles Canyon between two rail lines and other places)? Why they would cut off the potential for future interstate shipping by rail from Fort Bragg and Eureka, which would keep traffic off the roads and creates jobs makes no sense. The Great Redwood Trail Agency and State Senator Mike McGuire should be ashamed of themselves.

  2. I agree a 1000% ! Senate Bill 743 mandates the California reduce green house gases and the carbon footprint. A freight train is 4x more efficient than trucks and can move a ton of freight, 490 miles on a single gallon of fuel.. Since the NWP shut down, truck traffic on 20 and 101 along with an increase in carbon emissions. The width of the railroad right of way is wide enough for the rail and rail. Sen. McGuire has a poor environmental record when it involves Freight rain in his own District. Allan Hemphill for Chairman of the North Coast Rail Authority is heading up a coalition called “North Coast Rails WITH Trails.” and is working on reopening the Willits to Cloverdaale portion of the legacy Northwestern Pacific. He has signed up almost 2 dozen customers and shippers. If open, will greatly reduced truck traffic on 101. Prevent further road damage and meet the SB 743 mandate to reduce the carbon footprint in the 101 corridor.

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