Activists march thru Ft. Bragg protesting Jackson Demonstration State Forest timber harvest


10 thoughts on “Activists march thru Ft. Bragg protesting Jackson Demonstration State Forest timber harvest

  1. Can you report on both sides? I’d like to hear what the actual proposed cuts are and the rationale behind it. Not fair you your readers to only report on one side. 🙁

    • Thank you Sharon. I agree about balancing the coverage. Mendocino Voice encourages these activists by making their voice heard, above all others. I don’t want to know anymore about activists or see them. I’d be delighted to submit content readers might be interested in reading.

  2. Please stop covering these “activists”. They’re boring and do not represent all of Mendocino County. They’re showing up everywhere because they think they’re relevant. They’re not. Not everyone agrees with their causes. There are other people. Please give your readers interesting new content. Give it a rest with the climate, politics and racism stuff. It’s depressing.

  3. My message is not taking sides just making an historical note. Many years ago proceeds from logging sales on JDSF went to small timberland owners in the form of grants to improve their stands of timber. Today proceeds go to pay salaries and supplies on JDSF.

  4. Let’s hear some reasonable voices. How about comments from real scientists, the government and the logging company?

  5. Let’s not forget these activists are illegally blocking the logging sites in JDSF and those in the woods were putting themselves and others in danger, also illegally. They are misguided, bored and either living in fear or using fear as a recruitment tactic. The forest will remain, trees will continue to grow and people will continue to enjoy it well into the future, even with some logging.

  6. Lots of science based reason to stop logging in JDSF check out the Mendocino Trail Stewards website for the studies

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