Inland reservoirs historically low as serious drought looms for Mendocino Co.


4 thoughts on “Inland reservoirs historically low as serious drought looms for Mendocino Co.

  1. This is what they said would happen to California’s weather system when China did the world’s largest 3 Rivers Dam Project but nobody seems to remember so its just called climate change and i will be called racist for pointing this out..

    • Hi Tanya, you know we love KMUD and we are always happen to collaborate, get in touch anytime at 707-506-6397 or [email protected] and whoever is available can help, thank you!

  2. That is why removing the dam that forms Lake Pillsbury is not feasible. Actually, it is a very bad idea to remove either of the 2 dams (at Pillsbury and at the diverson to Potty Valley). Lake Mendocino would go completely dry during low rainfall years and there would not be enough water in the Eel River during low rainfall years to divert water to Potter Valley and Lake Mendocino if the dams are not there. Regarding fish, there is technology and infrastructure to get them over the dam. People need to listen to Congressman Garamendi (not Congressman Huffman)! on the issue.

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