The 15 best things I ate in Mendocino County in 2023


10 thoughts on “The 15 best things I ate in Mendocino County in 2023

  1. I dunno, any review that puts Noyo Fish Co ahead of Sea Pal loses a little cred with me… the fish at Sea Pal is incomparable.

    • Thanks Tim for reading and commenting. As the article says – to each their own. In 2022, I think my favorite fish and chips were at the Ukiah Brewing Company. I have been to Sea Pal probably 15 times over the past four years. Recently I found the batter a bit too heavy. I’ll give it another try this year though!

    • Sorry Tim, but there is no doubt that Noyo Fish Co. has better fish and chips than Sea Pal…way cleaner kitchen as well. I will say though that Sea Pal does have a great selection of beers.

  2. I agree with the 2 posts above. Having eaten the same thing at many of these establishments and a way better version at other establishments I would say.. you did not venture out far enough in Mendocino County. As I was reading I had counterpoints to many of these dishes.

    • Ana – Thank you for reading. So what do you recommend? I’ve been dining in Mendocino County for a decade and I’m wondering about your recommendations for me to check out in 2024.

  3. Pretty solid list. I felt the first two taco options were in fact the worst tacos in the county not from Taco Bell, but was happy to see Chavez make up for it. I think they have the only handmade tortillas north of the bay. I feel the restaurant at City of Ten Thousand Buddhas and Oko Time are actually unique, world class restaurants, and would have put dishes from both are the top of my list.

  4. The fried chicked at Macallum House in Mendocino, is the all I can think about during the 4 hour drive to get there. Worth the drive.

  5. I didn’t see any pizza restaurant listed. But a big shout out to Bernillo’s in Fort Bragg. Best Mom & Pop pizza around.

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