Landline access will remain in place in California


One thought on “Landline access will remain in place in California

  1. I think this is great! I’ve been fighting ATT for months to restore my landline. It has been very stressful that they keep delaying and delaying the return of my land which I have had since I bought my home in 1991. I’ve done everything they have asked me, at restore my landline. Thank goodness the PUC made the decision it has made. I’m in my late 70’s and live alone. Without a a landline, I had to buy a $1000 cell phone. Which is truly hard to learn to use. I have called ATT office of the president, but never get an answer. The line with all the codes names etc No one calls me back. Thank you for doing the right thing. I was getting ready to file a class action suit for elder abuse!

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