For Memorial Day, President Lincoln’s letter to Mrs. Bixby, and Frederick Douglas’s speech at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier


One thought on “For Memorial Day, President Lincoln’s letter to Mrs. Bixby, and Frederick Douglas’s speech at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

  1. Sadly, all those fallen who are remembered today died in vain. They fought against dictators who ruled by decree, and rulers that “ordered” populations to do as the government demanded, with no consideration of the consent of the governed.

    Now, today, in what we thought was America, we have rule by decree, and government “orders” that have put tens of millions of Americans out of work, destroyed tens of thousands of businesses, and killed tens of thousands of Americans from suicide and other deaths from despair. Yes, the government, “your” government, is killing people with its actions, right now. Not “might kill” people from, say, a virus, but actually driving people to death, by denying them their inalienable right to a living and a right to live their lives.

    If the veterans who gave their lives ostensibly for freedom did not die in vain, why are we now seeing what they took up arms against reigning here in our country now, today?

    When we get to July 4th, what, exactly, shall we celebrate? Independence from oppressive government? If that wasn’t so tragically sad, it would be funny. But tyranny is never funny, even with the alleged excuse of “we’re ‘protecting’ you.” Actually, it’s especially not funny when government becomes dictatorial with the false claim of “we’re ‘protecting’ you.”

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