Trump to California, “clean” the forest floors — president once more threatens to cut disaster funding


2 thoughts on “Trump to California, “clean” the forest floors — president once more threatens to cut disaster funding

  1. Donald Trump is an ignorant, amoral, sociopathic, psychopathic, fascist plutocrat suffering from narcissistic personality disorder, delusions of grandeur, paranoia, and body odour. He is a malign thug, of coarse discourse, odious personal habits, and an utterly repellent social demeanour. He ought to be strung up in an iron cage hung from the ramparts of Notre-Dame Cathedral – but then, comparisons to Quasimodo are unfair . . . to Quasimodo. The sooner this wannabe Dictator is frog-marched out of the White House and into Fort Leavenworth, the better.

    • the ignoant ones are the people that dont comprehend what trump means by clean up your forest floor. what he means by that is go in and cut out or thin out the dry brush and trees that that burns hotter and longer than grass does. grass are dangerous to but they burn out quicker. and as for kamala harris is she that lame and ignorant. i mean really come on who would even think of something so ridiculous except of course a democrat from california. and also if these fires are starting on private property due to something on the property then the owner should be held liable for all damages just like PG&E or any other company or agency federal government included

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